In September 2019 ZEAP Ltd (Zero Emission Air Power) conducted the first road test of a unique air powered Last Mile Delivery vehicle (LMD) at the National Engineering Laboratory campus in the United Kingdom.

The trial was a great success as you can see in the video.
Heralding a new genre of lightweight vehicles, the exhaust ‘emission’ from ZEAP is clean breathable air; in fact air cleaner than that you are probably breathing now.
The team members behind ZEAP possess pragmatic engineering and manufacturing pedigrees extending over 40 years each. They have a passion for solving the current transportation challenges in developing clean urban transportation technology.
The challenge was to develop a propulsion system that did not include combustion technologies or traction batteries. The result was the successful development of a highly efficient air motor utilising compressed air as the drive medium (the very same that SCUBA divers breath). This, when coupled to a suitably modified donor chassis, created the Proof of Concept short range, start/stop Last Mile Delivery vehicle as shown above.
With our next challenge being to transform the PoC vehicle into a small range of pre-production prototype demonstrator vehicles, don’t be surprised when one day your online shopping is delivered by a ZEAP!
In this endeavour, ZEAP is preparing to launch our first external funding round, to raise seed capital to create the demonstration vehicles, which we expect to reveal in under two years. Our PoC vehicle is already gaining interest amongst the last mile delivery industry.
If you’re interested in investing in or wishing to utilise this groundbreaking, clean mobility technology, contact us now.
ZEAP, ‘Driven Purely by Air’